Monday, 10 May 2010

Ealing Southall Labour Party - our new MP and his councillors - dodgy associations and general dirt

Now, is it me or do we have some sort of mafia running the local Labour Party?!

I for one, am very uncomfortable with their conduct during the general election (especially that of Virendra Sharma who couldn't even be bothered to campaign). Let's be frank here, just look at the calibre of individuals our MP has chosen to associate with (this was taken from a Punjabi newspaper article that Virendra Sharma himself paid for):

Now, if like me, you've grown up in the area, you will know some of these characters and you will also know the association they have with wide-scale drug dealing and the general darker side of the community. If you were to dig deeper you will also uncover that the vast majority of them have criminal records.

So much for the clean-cut image of Virendra Sharma eh?!

Now, on to one of Sharma's councillors: I was recently reminded of this bit of news about the recently elected Councillor: Jasbir Anand

I wanted to know what the outcome of the court case against her was and it turns out, she paid off the said the said plaintiff and the plaintiff later moved out of the area! Disclaimer: this is all hearsay.

Another bit of "know it but can't prove it" is related to Councillor Noori but that's another blog ;-)

Southall Lad is outta here!

Saturday, 8 May 2010

The dirty trickster's remain

Man am I dissapointed in the people of Southall - all bar 12,000 of you anyway. That's the number that voted for Gurcharan Singh. The other 22,000 odd that voted Sharma back in well, what can I say? You're either part of that ol' school block voting clan or somebody who's so dependant on Labour benefits, public sector work or immigration policy that you decided to do the WRONG thing.

Southall is really suffering right now and we could've done with a new direction. Instead we got this load of old cobblers. The old boys network of Piara Khabra remains fully in tact.

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Local man challenges Virendra Sharma to a duel!

This is awesome! This was sent by a resident to (now get this), Sharma's campaign office, David Cameron, the entire set of Ealing Southall councillors AND Sky News!!!

Hat's off to you Mr Jaspal Singh!!!

Dear Mr Sharma,

I would like to make a few comments about your latest leaflets which you have had posted all over southall and neighbouring areas.

My family have been life long Labour voters, we actually personally knew (family friend) the former and in many peoples eyes, the Great Piara Singh Khabra. He was a god human being, a good politician, a HONOURABLE MAN. Who never played dirty politics to further his own career.

I personally know over 100s of people, that include friends and families, that vote for labour.

But your recent comments on Sunrise Radio and the comments you made about Gurcharan Singh (your opponent) have shocked me and are quite disturbing.

I am talking about using 1984, his faith as a devout Sikh against him is a racist act by you and you should be ashamed.

What you have done there is try to create an atmosphere of tension between the Sikhs and Hindu communities.

How dare you bring up 1984 to support your campaign and malign the character of Mr Gurcharan Singh.

How dare you label the Sikhs as terrorists to support your pathetic attempt.

Shame on you, you must feel really clever, sucking up to the Indian government to get your free flight upgrades and bribes in your offshore bank accounts.

Why are you doing this? Can you answer this?

Remember the Public are not stupid, we all know why you were bought from the LibDems, we all know that you have no substance and are only a poodle for Mr Brown, a typical Indian Yes Man.

For a man born in the Panjab (a majority Sikh State), you surprise me with your arrogance and ignorance, that leads me to believe that you are indeed, shall I say, in the words of your PM, you are a BIGOTED MAN.

You are a RACIST, out and out.

Now there are a few medical and psychological reasons why you may be doing this, which are

a. you are showing early signs of dementia, it is the most likely cause given your age.

b. you have just found out that people have found out that you are a typical "you me go, me no english, me great, vote for labour" type of person, i.e. your english vocabulary and grammar are not your strong point, infact a nursery child can do better.

c. You actually FEAR Mr. Gurcharan Singh.

As you claimed in your leaflet, the Sikhs are not a violent Race, we are a peace loving race, a community whose sacrifice for the Indians and even the British is noted in History, without the Sikhs the face of India today with be different.

I shall not be voting for the conservatives, I shall make it my point that all my family, friends, fellow colleagues, people I teach, all of my contacts (runs into the thousands), VOTE FOR CONSERVATIVES, more over VOTE FOR GURCHARAN SINGH.

We, the PUBLIC do not wish to have a RACIST represent us.

Because if you can hold these personal views, which cloud your judgement in your work life, then you are not FIT TO REPRESENT ME, MY FAMILY, MY FRIENDS, in fact how can a person who has just admitted he is a racist represent anybody?

I challenge you to come to my doorstep, with a TV Crew and say this to me in person, I invite Mr Gurcharan Singh aswell.

Jaspal SINGH.

Labour lot giving ballons to kids - are they CRB checked?

I came across a concerned parent yesterday. She told me that after school, Labour councillors were handing out balloons to children and that in some cases, the children were unacompanied. The concern here is, given the new laws, have these campaigners been CRB checked?

Maybe it's a check too far but it's still a valid concern.

Personally, I don't think they should be approaching children at all. It's one thing to hand out leaflets to the parents but given the current concerns in our society about child safety, this is one they should have thought out a bit further...

Southall Lad signing out!

Edit: for those interested it was North Primary School

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Labour causing grief in the area

You may have noticed an increase in the number of Labour campaign vehicles driving around Southall. Apparently, they had an "emergency meeting" in response to the groundswell of Tory support in the area. Kieth Vaz has sent down a contingent of supporters/thugs to intimidate our residents.

Anyway, residents are fighting back! Check out this local Somalian youth - he was so peeved by the noise pollution created by the Labour vehicle, that he came down and had right go at the driver!

Monday, 3 May 2010

Labour campaigners are intimidating constituents!

The desperation of this party knows no end...

It's been brought to my attention that the Labour Party campaign team in the Ealing Southall constituency have started intimidating residents.

It seems that anyone "brave" enough to put up a poster for a Party other than Labour can expect a visit by an intimidating Labour Party contingent demanding an explanation and a not-so-polite request to remove the poster in question. Is this what Gordon Brown's Labour Party is all about? Voter intimidation seems to be the order of the day.

Apparently, Kieth Vaz has sent backup from Leceister. Not surprising given that the convicted, corrupt Labour MP from Leicester apparently made a back room deal with to get Sharma in pole position in the
candidate selection for the last by-election. He's clearly worried for his "chumcha" Sharma...

Virendra "no show" Sharma - an impotent MP - PROOF!

Isn't it fitting that Virendra Sharma (the MP for Ealing Southall) has decided to place a poster of himself under an advertisement for Viagra. Mr Sharma hasn't bothered to turn up to any of the recent debates - he has shown his political impotence but unfortunately there's no Viagra that can cure that!

Mr Sharma you have missed out on the opportunity to engage with your constituents. I think hope that come May 7th, you will rue this decision.

Southall Lad - "repraszentin'"

Virendra Sharma (Ealing Southall MP) critisizes Gurdwara's for giving langar to student immigrants!


That was my exact response when I heard about this.

Virendra Sharma, a man who as our MP should be espousing the characteristics of a community builder is in fact, doing the exact opposite.

Those of you local to the area will know about the plight of the young immigrant students from India that have arrived here expecting opportunity only to find that their journey has been ill timed at best. They have arrived in a country in the grips of recession and with a high anti-immigrant sentiment.

Now, if you're from one of the families that arrived here in the 60's, 70's, 80's you probably have a family member (or know somebody else who does) who came to this country under the same circumstances, plied their trade, worked hard and came good for the country. Everyone deserves a fair shot right? Or maybe I'm wrong - but that's just my view. If immigrants are willing to contribute, why shouldn't they come in. I am however against those who pose anti-social problems but that's another blog.

Anyway, regardless of what you think, I think most people would agree (or at least I hope they would) that once here, these immigrants should at least be given the right to food. Further still, that if an immigrant was to turn up at a holy Gurdwara and after observing the proper respect for it's sanctity (i.e. be sober, clean, remove shoes, cover hair, etc.), was to proceed to it's Langar ("free kitchen") hall, they should expect to receive the blessed food maid by the hands of their fellow brothers doing "seva" (unpaid work) with no questions asked.


Unfortunately, if you go by the name of Virendra Sharma and hold the acclaimed title of Member of Parliament for Ealing Southall, you would actually believe that not to be the case. Instead, you would think, that by giving these poor souls access to Langar, you are in fact, giving them "false hope" to a life here. So what's the alternative? I suppose it would be just to let them starve in the streets. This is so the news of immigrants dying on the streets of Southall from being under-nourished would send a clear message to those about to hide in suitcase bound for England back home to reconsider their journey.

What a nasty piece of work Mr Sharma has turned out to be. Bring on May 6th.

Link or die:

Kismat Radio - 1st April 2010 - Callers respond to Virendra Sharma's "false hope" comment - PART 1

Kismat Radio - 1st April 2010 - Callers respond to Virendra Sharma's "false hope" comment - PART 2