Monday, 10 May 2010

Ealing Southall Labour Party - our new MP and his councillors - dodgy associations and general dirt

Now, is it me or do we have some sort of mafia running the local Labour Party?!

I for one, am very uncomfortable with their conduct during the general election (especially that of Virendra Sharma who couldn't even be bothered to campaign). Let's be frank here, just look at the calibre of individuals our MP has chosen to associate with (this was taken from a Punjabi newspaper article that Virendra Sharma himself paid for):

Now, if like me, you've grown up in the area, you will know some of these characters and you will also know the association they have with wide-scale drug dealing and the general darker side of the community. If you were to dig deeper you will also uncover that the vast majority of them have criminal records.

So much for the clean-cut image of Virendra Sharma eh?!

Now, on to one of Sharma's councillors: I was recently reminded of this bit of news about the recently elected Councillor: Jasbir Anand

I wanted to know what the outcome of the court case against her was and it turns out, she paid off the said the said plaintiff and the plaintiff later moved out of the area! Disclaimer: this is all hearsay.

Another bit of "know it but can't prove it" is related to Councillor Noori but that's another blog ;-)

Southall Lad is outta here!


  1. "Here are some pictures of men. Virendra Sharma paid for this newspaper. I bet some of these men have criminal records."

    I'm pretty sure Seymour Hersh will be chucking his Pulizter in the mail to you any minute now.

  2. Indeed and when I get it I'll send it to you as a prize for your oh so clever wit.

    No, you haven't diffused the point being made.

    Virendra Sharma's support rank and file are amongst the most corrupt and criminal individuals you are likely to find in Southall. If you knew anything about how drugs has decimated this community, you wouldn't be so aloof about this point.

  3. Which does nothing to detract from my point that you've provided absolutely nothing of substance. Maybe if you presented it in a convincing, or even coherent, way, I'd be less "aloof".

    tl;dr - show your working out pls

  4. And there's no Pulitzer for wit, no matter how "oh so clever" it is. I know, I'm devestated too.
